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Children and Adults of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Click on the below website to learn more about ADD/ADHD.

Council for Exceptional Children

Click on the Council for Exceptional Chldren Link to read about News, Policy Changes, and Professional Development information regarding special education issues.

PA Dept of Ed

Autism and  other Pervasive Developmental Disabilities are becoming more prevelant among our children. Visit the following site to learn  more about Autism and  to use it as a resource for you and your children.


The Pennsylvania Training and Technical Assistance Network (Pattan) is an initiative of the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education. Pattan supports the Department of Education's efforts to lead and serve the educational community by offering professional development that builds the capacity of local educational agencies to meet students' needs. Click the link below to browse the website to find valuable information about special education services.

Intermediate Unit 1

 Intermediate Unit One services Washington, Fayette and Greene counties. Click on the link below to travel to their website and choose “Special Education” on the left side of the webpage. You will find valuable information that pertains to various special education topics.

Parent to Parent

Parent to Parent: Parent to Parent of Pennsylvania matches parents and family members of children and adults with disabilities or special needs, to a supporting parent according to individual conditions or concerns. Please click on the following Link to learn more about this program: