Public Notifications
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)- This legislation outlines the protection of rights and privacy as they relate to educational institutions. FERPA delineates the process and procedures for the release of educational information gathered by the school. Parents may request not to have directory information of their child released by submitting a written request by October 1, 2005, to the District Administration Office.
National Assessment of Educational Process (NAEP)-Parents have the right to preview the assessment document. Students may be opted out by parents for any reason. Students have the right not to answer all questions or finish the test.
Violence and Drug Prevention Efforts. Programs. and Activities-Parents have the right to opt out their children from violence and drug prevention efforts, programs, and activities.
Persistently Dangerous Schools-Schools meeting specific criteria may be defined as "persistently dangerous schools." Should this occur, parents of students attending that school have the right to request transfer to a school within the district not so identified. Transfers outside of the district may occur only if an agreement between the identified school and a neighboring district exists.
Victims of Dangerous Crimes-Victims of violent behavior meeting specific criteria may be defined as "victims of dangerous crimes." These individuals have the right to request transfer to another school within the district should one exist. Transfers outside of the district may occur only if an agreement between the school and a neighboring district exist.
Schools Identified for Improvement Under No Child Left Behind Act-Schools may be classified as under: Corrective Action Status, Restructuring Status, School Improvement Status, School Choice Option, and Supplemental Education Services Status based on specific criteria based on Adequate Yearly Progress. The state mandates that any school so classified develop specific action plans to increase test scores.
Parent-Right-To-Know under Section 111l(h) (6) of the No Child Left Behind Act - School districts receiving Title I, Part A funds will notify parents at the beginning of each school year of their right to request information regarding the professional qualifications of their child's teacher and/or paraprofessional.