The Burgettstown Area School District Board of Directors is comprised of nine elected and dedicated individuals who are committed to promoting excellence in education. Their leadership is evident in the time they donate on behalf of the Burgettstown area children and community.
Board of School Directors
The nine member Board of School Directors, elected by the people of the district for a term of four years, is responsible for school policy. According to state law, they must be 18 years of age and serve without pay. For more information on the function of a school board, please click HERE
Regions Represented by the Board
Region 1 - Hanover, Jefferson
Region 2 - Burgettstown Borough, Smith Twp. (Joffre, Bulger, Cherry Valley)
Region 3 - Smith Twp. (Francis Mine, Harmon Creek, Langeloth, Slovan, Atlasburg)
Board Meetings
The Burgettstown Area School District Board of Directors shall consider scheduled meetings as official meetings at which time official action may be taken on any matter which comes before the Board for approval.
All meetings will be held in the Burgettstown Elementary Center Library, Second Floor, 100 Bavington Road, Burgettstown PA at 6:30 pm, unless advertised/posted differently. Meetings are accessible to the disabled under the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Please continue to monitor this site for updated information regarding board meetings.
YouTube Link: YouTube Access
Board Meeting Agendas, Minutes, and Policies
School Board agendas, minutes, and policies are paperless through BoardDocs, which can be accessed using this link: Access to BoardDocs Agendas are available three (3) days prior to a meeting. Minutes are available after approval by the Board.
Rules For Addressing The Board
When addressing the Board, we kindly request that residents/taxpayers state their name and the borough or township in which they live. Please adhere to the time limits set forth.
All meetings of the Board of School Directors shall be open to the general public with the exception of Executive meetings, which are exempt by law. Residents are not only encouraged to attend, but to also participate during the Public Comment section of the agenda.
Anyone wishing to participate in an open Board meeting shall submit a written request to this effect, which outlines the name and address of the participant, the topic to be addressed, and the group affiliation, if applicable, no later than noon on the day of the Regular Monday night meeting. Other persons wishing to address the Board on specific agenda items, or on other matters of concern which are, or may be, before the Board, will be heard during the Public Comment section of the agenda, but will be limited to two (2) minutes per person/five (5) minutes per group. The Board may not respond to questions during this session, but will listen to comments.
Topics may include school operations or school programs. However, comments regarding personnel or students will not be discussed at public sessions.
Those interested in addressing the Board may submit an email request by clicking HERE
The President of the Board will ask for comments during the allotted public comment period following the above-noted guidelines. Anyone wishing to comment should come to the designated microphone located in front of the board. After the public comment period has concluded, comments will not be permitted.
If you are seeking information and unable to locate it on our website, you may obtain further information by submitting a Right-To-Know request.